5th Year Biology

Ms O’Reilly’s 5th year class dissected hearts yesterday in biology!

Grandparents Day

Join us on March 15th at 11 am as we celebrate the invaluable role of grandparents in our students’ lives!...

World Book Day

Yesterday, we celebrated World Book Day with a special “Drop Everything and Read” class! Students brought in their favourite books,...

World Book Day

Yesterday, we celebrated World Book Day with a special “Drop Everything and Read” class! Students brought in their favourite books,...

Market Day

St Kevin’s Spring Market Day, Tuesday 5th of March. We are inviting all 1st, 2nd and Transition Year parents and...

Under 15s Football

Commiserations to our U15s who were beaten 10/9 on penalties after extra time in the Lenister Champions League Quarter Final....

Under 15s Football

Commiserations to our U15s who were beaten 10/9 on penalties after extra time in the Lenister Champions League Quarter Final....

First Year Tag Rugby

Congratulations to the first year tag rugby teams who had a great day out on Friday!

First Year Tag Rugby

Congratulations to the first year tag rugby teams who had a great day out on Friday!

Entrance Exams

We were delighted to meet our incoming first years on Saturday morning. The boys did their entrance assessment and we...