Transition Year

Transition Year (TY) is an optional program offered by St. Kevin’s College that is aimed at providing students with opportunities to grow and develop their skills and talents. The program offers a wide range of activities that help students become socially responsible and conscious, while also nurturing their academic abilities.

One of the key components of the TY program is work experience, which provides students with the opportunity to gain real-world experience and make informed decisions about their future education and career choices. The program also offers modules in areas such as Multimedia and Robotics, which are delivered in partnership with DCU.

The TY program at St. Kevin’s College also places a strong emphasis on healthy eating and nutrition, with students taking courses in cookery, hotel and catering. The college has made significant investments in upgrading its kitchen facilities to provide students with the opportunity to learn how to cook using natural, healthy ingredients.

The TY program at St. Kevin’s College requires students to be the best they can be. Successful students who participate in the program are able to broaden their horizons and develop important personal and academic skills that will serve them well as they progress into adulthood.

In summary, the Transition Year program at St. Kevin’s College provides students with a unique opportunity to develop their skills, become socially responsible, and make informed decisions about their future education and career choices. With its emphasis on work experience, healthy eating, and academic preparation, the program prepares students for lifelong learning and success.